El Jolgorio Se Prendió con TotalEnergies y Coca-Cola cover 02

The "Jolgorio" Got Started with TotalEnergies and Coca-Cola

Participate now!

How can you participate?  
Buy two (2) or more products from Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Sprite, Sprite Zero, Smart Water, Fanta, Minute Maid, Seagram’s, Fuze, Powerade, Dasani, Body Armor, Vitamin Water at one of the Bonjour stores at TotalEnergies service stations in Puerto Rico.

Find your nearest Bonjour store here. 

What does the promotion consist of?  
With your purchase, you will receive one (1) ticket which you must enter urn at the Bonjour store with your contact details; this ticket will allow you to participate in the raffle for:

One (1) grand prize of $1,000.
• One (1) 3-day, 2-night stay for four (4) people at the Mayagüez Resort & Casino.
• Five (5) prizes of two (2) tickets to events at the Coca-Cola Music Hall.
• Sixty-six (66) $100 fuel certificates from TotalEnergies.
